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The Book of Life
Directed by Chavi Resnick
Screenplay by Sheina Brummel

Spreading the Light
by Class of 2019

The Sefiros 
by Class of 2014
Edited by Chana Corna

In Harmony
by Chavie Resnick

by Elliana Swartzendruber

Mind Blown
by Esty VanHalem

A Touch of Infinity
by Yehudis Keller

Lion's Den
by Class of 2016
Edited by Chani Chein

Head Over Heart
by Chaya Cohen & Esty VanHalem

by Chavie Resnick

Exposing the Essence
by Rochel Duato

The Modern Day Nachum Eish Gam Zu & The Skeptic
by Chaya Ehven & Miriam Yanovsky

G-d in Art
by Chana Jacobs

Rochel Goldsmith's Documentary
by Rochel Goldsmith

What's That Supposed to Mean?
by Rochel Goldsmith

Infinite Choices
by Rochel Duato

Mrs. Markovic
by Rochel Duato

Far Beyond Pearls
by Sophia Katz

by Sophia Katz

Tzohar Promo
by Chanie Zwiebel

The Process
by Chaya Muchnik

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Tzohar Seminary

6404 Forbes Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217


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