Amount Raised to Date: $7,000

As the secular year draws to a close, I want to give you the opportunity to help the cause that has become dearest to my heart - Tzohar Seminary. It is gratifying to see the difference that we are making in the lives of our students. We now have an established track record and our alumni are starting to make their contributions to the Jewish world. Our past students have embraced the arts and are using it as a means to bring a fresh perspective to Jewish life. We have students graduating from various universities with writing degrees, a degree in animation, degrees in art and others pursuing their passion in fields such as music, dance and photography. Other students have chosen to channel their artistic talent into Jewish education. The innovative perspectives that our students gained while in seminary is serving them as individuals and is serving their respective Jewish communities well. The challenge and the opportunity is that every school requires assistance from generous donors to help the school educate its students and to provide scholarships. We hope that you will partner with us providing a year-end donation!
Local Initiative: Tzohar Seminary is developing an accredited education program that will train student teachers how to foster creative expression inside the classroom. Tzohar students will take coursework -- in conjunction with a local university in Pittsburgh and during a semester abroad in Israel -- leading toward an undergraduate degree in Jewish Education and the Arts.
National Initiative: Tzohar’s teacher training program will concurrently develop a curriculum and arts integration training program for Jewish educators and schools across North America. Participating educators will learn the theory and skills needed to empower children to integrate creativity into their Jewish studies, with the ultimate goal of strengthening each child’s personal connection with G-d and their Jewish heritage.
Tzohar Seminary is a unique, educational program where young Jewish women study Jewish texts in the morning and the arts in the afternoon. Tzohar students create works of art -- in filmmaking, theatre, creative writing, music, dance, photography, animation, and fine arts -- that explore and communicate meaningful spiritual ideas.
Why the name Tzohar? In Genesis 6:16, G-d asks Noah to build an ark and to include a “Tzohar”. The biblical commentator Rashi explains that the Hebrew word “Tzohar” means 1) a window or skylight to let light in; and, 2) a gem from which light shines outward. At Tzohar we are dedicated to the ideal that by allowing the divine gift of creativity to illuminate our lives, we can utilize our creative talents to make the world brighter and more beautiful.